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Text File | 1995-09-24 | 8.5 KB | 300 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- CGI shell, version 1.1
- (c) Ronald T. Kneusel, Sept. 1995
- rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu
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- This is a tool for programmers; Forth programmers in particular. Therefore,
- this documentation is intentionally sparse. After all, real programmers don't
- need no steenkin' documentation, right? :)
- CGI shell works with Chris Heilman's Pocket Forth programming language to
- provide a skeleton for creating custom CGI applications for WebSTAR/MacHTTP.
- The shell code handles AppleEvents, the interpretation of forms data, and
- supplies a set of words for building a reply string. Pocket Forth, version 6.4
- is included in the release.
- • A Mac running WebSTAR (commercial) or MacHTTP (shareware)
- • This code
- • A text editor (Teachtext or Simpletext will do)
- • Some Forth and HTML programming experience
- This version of the shell gives you easy access to the direct argument,
- the client's IP address, the client's browser type, and the field data. A
- minimal CGI using the shell is:
- \ Simple CGI
- --> CGIshell.4th ( load the CGI code )
- message[ s1 You are: ] ( strings used in the reply )
- message[ s2 <br>Using: ]
- message[ s3 <br>And your favorite flavor is: ]
- message[ fname flavor] ( name of the field )
- 512 String>> out ( return string goes here, 512 char max )
- out newstr ( clear it )
- ,s sdoc ,s WWWΩ ae: ( begin the AppleEvent reply handler )
- out startstring ( add HTML header )
- s1 out strcpy ( add 'You are: ' )
- out APPEND @Addr ( add client's IP address )
- s2 out strcpy ( add '<br>Using: ' )
- out APPEND @Browser ( add browser type )
- s3 out strcpy ( add '<br>And your favorite flavor is: ' )
- out fname APPEND @Field ( add flavor field data )
- out endstring ( add HTML ending )
- out REPLY bye ( send the reply and quit )
- ;ae ( end reply handler )
- This CGI will respond to an HTML form like this one:
- <h1> Simple CGI test </h1>
- <form method=post action="simple.cgi">
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- <select name="flavor"
- <option>Vanilla <option>Chocolate <option>Strawberry
- </select>
- <input type=submit value="Send it">
- </form>
- To create 'simple.cgi' load the Forth code above into a *copy* of Pocket Forth
- and then enter save bye to save the dictionary. Use a web browser to bring
- up the HTML file, call it 'simple.html', and click 'send it'. If all went well
- you will receive a reply indicating who you are, what you are using, and
- (presumably) your favorite type of ice cream.
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- * Technical Description *
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- *****************************
- The most important words defined by the shell are @Direct, @Addr, @Browser,
- and @Field. These words fetch information sent by the web server to the CGI
- application.
- @Direct (e.g. out APPEND @Direct )
- Direct returns the direct argument attached to the action component of the
- form definition. If the HTML file contains:
- <form method=post action="my.cgi$3.141592">
- Then the phrase out APPEND @Direct will append the string 3.141592 to
- the string contained in out . If NEW is specified in place of APPEND
- the direct argument replaces the previous contents of the string. All
- strings are terminated with a '\0' character.
- @Addr (e.g. out APPEND @Addr )
- Addr returns the IP address string of the client. If the address has a
- DNS entry its name will be returned. If there was no DNS entry the reversed
- in-arpa numerical IP address is returned. NEW and APPEND work as above.
- @Browser (e.g. out NEW @Browser )
- Browser returns a string indicating what type of web browser the client
- is using. This can be useful for deciding when to return a graphically
- intensive page and when not to. @Browser works as @Addr and @Direct.
- @Field (e.g. out f1 APPEND @Field )
- Field places the contents of the field whose name is in the string f1
- into the string out . NEW and APPEND work as before. @Field will handle
- all translation of characters.
- REPLY (e.g. out REPLY )
- REPLY returns the string on the stack to the web server which then sends
- it down to the client. This word must be called only from within a
- ae: ... ;ae pair.
- The heart of a CGI application is the AppleEvent handler that responds to the
- AppleEvent sent by the web server. In Pocket Forth an AppleEvent handler is
- first defined and then saved to the dictionary. When the application is then
- launched the handler is added to the list of handlers and the application
- will respond to the event whenever it is listening for events. Pocket Forth
- listens to system events when waiting for input so it is unnecessary to
- be concerned about handling local events (i.e. mouse clicks, keypresses, etc.)
- In fact, Pocket Forth can be used normally while still listening for
- AppleEvents. If you write the CGI to quit when finished you do not need to
- write any code for dealing with the server Mac. This is unlike the C based
- Responder CGI shell.
- In Pocket Forth an Apple Event handler is defined using ae: and ;ae,
- ,s sdoc ,s WWWΩ ae: \ begin the handler for the sdoc,WWWΩ event
- ...some code here...
- ;ae
- The general process, then, is:
- ,s sdoc ,s WWWΩ ae:
- <get data from the apple event using @Direct, @Field, etc.>
- <manipulate the data and create an output string>
- <reply to the event with <output-string> REPLY>
- <quit or re-initialize the application>
- ;ae
- See the included examples for more information.
- The CGI shell provides a number of words for manipulating null terminated
- strings. These are summarized below:
- message[ ( compile: <name> <text>] )
- ( run: -- address )
- Create <name>, a null terminated string. E.g.
- message[ s0 <h1>Result...</h1>]
- String>> ( size -- (<name>) )
- Create a string, <name>, <size> bytes long. E.g.
- 512 String>> theReply
- strcpy ( s1 s2 -- )
- Append s1 to s2. Appending is useful for creating reply
- strings, use strncpy to avoid appending.
- length ( s -- n )
- Return the length of string s.
- newstr ( s -- )
- Zero the string s. Equal to 0 s c!
- 0type ( s -- )
- Type the null terminated string s on the screen. Useful for
- debugging.
- accept ( s length -- )
- Identical to expect but adds a terminating '\0'.
- startstring ( s -- )
- Add <HTML> to the string s.
- endstring ( s -- )
- Append </HTML> to the string s.
- Pocket Forth has complete support for floating point numbers making it useful
- for scientific applications. These words will convert between floating point
- numbers and strings.
- f>str ( f s -- )
- Put the floating point number f into the string using the current
- settings for FIX or SCI.
- str>f ( s -- f )
- Make s into a floating point number on the stack.
- The best way to learn to use the shell is to experiment. See the 'Deflect'
- example to learn how to force the client's browser to another URL. When
- developing a CGI keep the following in mind:
- * turn off the processor cache if using an '040 based Mac. Some code will
- compile with it on but often the application quits part way through. The
- compiled code seems to run just fine with the cache on.
- * always use a fresh copy of the Pocket Forth application when re-compiling.
- * remember to do save bye after loading the code. Amazing how many times
- I forget to do that!
- The software carries no warranty of any kind. Caveat Emptor.
- Ron Kneusel
- 8725 West Burdick Ave.
- Milwaukee, WI 53227 USA
- (414) 545-7557
- rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu
- The latest version of CGIshell can always be found at:
- http://kreeft.intmed.mcw.edu/pf.html
- ftp://kreeft.intmed.mcw.edu/q/pub/forth/
- September 1995, AMDG